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Meet Julien Dushimimana, one of successful incubates at GIIH.

Julien is the innovator behind the Right Lamp Automatic Changeover Switch (RLCS), a device that automates the process of switching between solar power and the national power grid. His innovation is making significant strides and proving transformative.

The RLCS aims to promote the use of solar power in urban settings by reducing the cost of installing solar power systems in urban homes. Julien’s inspiration came from observing the energy demand in many African countries, which often exceeds the energy supply. However, the abundant sunlight presents a viable solution for solar technology.

"From there, I asked myself why we suffer from electrical power shortages when the sun can provide a solution. So, I developed a device that automates the process of switching between solar power and the national power grid," Julien explains.

Julien Dushimimana is part of the first cohort of the Grid Innovation and Incubation Hub (GIIH). Thanks to the coaching and mentorship he received from GIIH—a program designed to discover, nurture, and potentially fund exceptional youth business ideas with innovative, scalable, and transformative potential—Julien has achieved remarkable progress.

Under his registered company, Right Lamp Shine Group Ltd, the RLCS device has been granted both an IP and a trademark by the Rwanda Development Board. The RLCS innovation has attracted interest in the regional market and is now entering the South African market under the brand name ‘ISOKO SWITCH’. Each device costs 150 USD.

Established in 2020, GIIH aims to offer services and programs designed to enhance the chances for incubated startups to develop and grow beyond what they could achieve on their own. Our value-adding services are crucial in helping startups integrate into the community, creating jobs and prosperity in Rwanda.

So far, GIIH has incubated 38 startups, which are now at various stages of development.